1. Create work list
Write down the work to be done at any time, and everything is clear at a glance.
注意: 区分轻重缓急,先做重要的事情,注重效率更注重效果。 设置并重视完成期限,就像对自己的承诺。 具体明确,如果太大就分解成简单的工作。
Attention: distinguish priorities, do important things first, pay attention to efficiency and pay more attention to effect. Setting and valuing deadlines is like a commitment to yourself. Specifically, if it's too big, it's broken down into simple tasks.
作用: 既减少记忆,又避免遗忘。 能快速着手工作。
Function: reduce memory and avoid forgetting. Be able to get started quickly.
2. Make good use of trivial time
When there's a lot of work on your to-do list that annoys you, consider using a schedule.
The difference between a schedule and a work list is that a work list only explains what to do, and the schedule also determines the order and time to do it. It's hard to get into the habit of setting a schedule. We can:
Start with affairs that have been scheduled, such as meetings, meetings, etc.
Gradually develop the ability of scheduling and arrange affairs at the right time according to personal habits.
Don't be too full, leave the necessary buffer time.