The charging methods of headhunting companies usually include the following:
按结果收费 :
Charge based on results:
Usually, after a candidate successfully joins the company, a service fee is charged based on a certain percentage of their annual salary (such as 20% -40%).
Payment will be made in two installments, with the majority (such as 70%) paid after joining the company and the remaining portion (such as 30%) paid after the probation period ends.
预付款模式 :
Prepayment mode:
Enterprises pay a certain amount of fees in advance as start-up capital when entrusting recruitment.
The advance payment is usually deducted from the final service fee, and even if suitable talent is not successfully recruited, the advance payment may not be fully refunded.
按过程付费 :
Pay by process:
Fees will be charged according to different stages of the recruitment process, such as resume screening, interview scheduling, background checks, etc.
打包付费 :
Package payment:
For basic positions, companies outsource the entire recruitment process to headhunting companies, usually charging a fixed fee.
成功费 :
Success fee:
Based on the candidate's salary and job level, it is usually 20% -35% of the candidate's annual salary.
阶段收费 :
Stage fees:
Fees will be charged based on the different stages of recruitment services (pre stage, mid stage, post stage).
独家合同 :
Exclusive Contract:
Signing a contract with a company that prohibits cooperation with other recruitment companies for a certain period of time usually incurs a one-time fee.
The charging standards are influenced by various factors, including job difficulty, regional economic differences, industry competition, etc. Enterprises can negotiate with headhunting companies to determine their fee standards based on their own needs and budget.
It should be noted that headhunting companies usually do not charge individuals, but rather charge companies that entrust recruitment
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